Baths + Essential Oils

We live in such a toxic soup and are bombarded with toxins in our beauty products, in our food, in our soil, and in our cleaning products and all the things...The Environmental Working group spear headed a study to measure the toxic burden in the cord blood of 10 brand new babies.. what they found is absolutely shocking and disheartening. Read the article in full here. Chronic disease is on the rise and we are becoming increasingly unhealthy. Here is  another article posted by CNN. Incorporating detox baths has been a powerful tool that I have in my mama toolkit to gently detox my kids and keep them healthy and their immune systems humming. 

It is so important to learn how to gently detox our bodies daily to be proactive about our health in a preventative matter before it happens, rather than after we get the diagnosis... We are so toxin ridden and yet we spend more money on healthcare than any other industrialized country... Here is a good picture... Look at where the U.S. is on the list for mortality and life expectancy compared to other countries. We are number 29 on this list... However we can reduce toxic load by educating and being proactive about our health. Detox baths are just one way that we can reduce toxins and manage stress and support healthy sleep. 

Epsom salts and essential oils are a very effective way to flush toxins out of your system. The sulfates in the Epsom salts are what bind to the toxins and your skin being very permeable, allows the minerals and essential oils in the bath water to absorb and something amazing happens... Reverse osmosis. This pulls sodium out of the body and also pulls the toxins with it. The organic baking soda helps to rid the body of chemicals from food, drugs and radiation exposure. Make sure that the baking soda you use is organic and aluminum free. 

Materials Needed: 
​2 Cups of Raw Epsom salts with no fillers or fragrance. ( use 1 cup for a child)
​1 Cup of organic Baking Soda ( make sure aluminum Free, and use 1/2 cup for a child). 
Add 2 drops each of Lavender and Frankincense for a gentle detox and relaxing bath. 
Add 2-4 drops each of Rosemary and Juniper Berry to really detox. 
NOTE: make sure to add some sort of bath oil and or vegetable oil to your bath as a diluent for sensitive skin. I love to put a little fractionated coconut oil or DoTerra's bath oil is a great option as well. 

Allow your kids to soak and play in the tub for a good 30 minutes to give the Epsom salts and essential oils to really absorb into the skin and then if your a mama or an adult soak for a good 40 minutes and listen to a podcast, and pour a tall glass of water with some lemon essential oil and just relax and unwind. 
I did this 3-4 times a week during my heavy metal relation the last 6 months... the magnesium in the Epsom salts was so good for my body.. Most of us are super deficient and Magnesium is necessary for everything. Check out this awesome article on the benefits of magnesium. 

After the bath have the diffusers going with oils to promote restful sleep.. crawl into bed, drink another class of water.. read for 15 minutes and fall into a blissful sleep. 
​Its all about the daily rhythms of wellness. 
One of my favorite Diffuser Blends for a Restful Night:

2 drops Lavender
2 drops Cedarwood
2 drops Vetiver

2 Drops Breathe
2 Drops Serenity
1  Drop Roman Chamomile

2 drops of Lavender
2 drops Balance
2 drops of Juniper Berry


Dry Skin Brushing + Reduce Toxins


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