Essential oils are the aromatic compounds extracted from plants that can support our bodies in a wide variety of ways, giving us many benefits.
Essential oils can elicit powerful physiologic, mental and emotional responses by simply inhaling them. Try placing 1 drop of Wild Orange and 1 drop of Peppermint in your hands and rub them together, cup your hands over your nose and mouth and inhale through your nose. This is a huge pick-me- up and is like a natural, "high"... Using essential oils aromatically is the fastest way to get the essential oil into the bloodstream, and experience the physical benefits. Every time I apply essential oils topically, I love to take a minute to inhale the extra oils from my hands and breathe in that goodness.
Diffusing: Having a diffuser in every room of my house is one of the most amazing assets. Diffusing essential oils is such a powerful way to purify the air in your home, in your car, or whatever space you are working in. The power of breathing in essential oils boosts your mood and supports your emotional health. Simply chose whatever oils you are intuitively craving and add a few drops to your diffuser.
Essential oils are fat-soluble, and because of their chemical compounds they are readily absorbed into the bloodstream when directly applied to skin. Place 1-2 drops of the essential oil in the palm of your hand and add some fractionated coconut oil, and apply to the targeted area. When beginning your essential oil journey I suggest diluting all of your essential oils for topical use. I love DoTerra’s fractionated coconut oil because its smooth, absorbs quickly and does not leave a greasy film. As you become more comfortable, you can try applying the oils that are safe for neat use where you like with no dilution. Everyone is different and those with more sensitive skin, such as babies and kids should always dilute. Places to apply the oils are the bottoms of the feet, on the wrists, back of the neck, behind the ears, over the heart, or over any point of interest.
A good method for ingesting essential oils is to look for the Supplements Facts on the label on the back. I don’t’ recommend internal use for any other brand. You want to make sure that the oil is a 100% pure and safe for ingestion. There are many different opinions on internal consumption, so its crucial that you personally, do your own research and know the brand of oil you are using, and comfortable with your own decision.
Here are some ways we use the oils internally, I like to add a couple drops of Frankincense under my tongue for quick absorption and overall immune boosting. Adding a couple drops of a citrus oil to a water bottle or a glass of water is very cleansing and invigorating. When doing this, make sure to use glass, metal, or ceramic. Do not use plastics, the essential oils are so pure they will draw out the petro chemicals from the plastic. Veggie caps are also a great way to take essential oils internally. Simply, whatever oil you are needing to your veggie cap and take right away. Do not save them for later, because they will disintegrate the veggie cap.
Lets talk carrier oils, the purpose of carrier oils is to provide a protective barrier for your skin and to absorb more of the essential oil when using topically. doTerra has a great fractionated coconut oil that is my favorite to use as a carrier oil and make my blends with. However, you can use any vegetable oil, such as Coconut oil, Jojoba, Avocado, Olive oil and Almond oil. Here are the benefits for using a carrier oil, and why it should be common practice:
~ increases the surface area of application (you can take one drop of Deep Blue and apply all over your back with a carrier oil. )
~ decreases your risk for sensitivities to these pure and powerful essential oils.
~you can create amazing blends when using a carrier oil.
~ carrier oils allow your body to absorb more of the essential oil, when you put them on undiluted more of the essential oil evaporates before it gets absorbed into your body.
What if I get essential oils in my eyes?
If you get them in your eye, do not use water, it will drive the oil deeper and burn. Get any vegetable oil and wipe your eye with it and it will wipe it right out. You can use vegetable oils like, coconut oil, olive oil, avocado, jojoba oil, and grapeseed oil. Your eyes may be a little blurry at first and irritated but will return to normal.
Can I put essential oils anywhere?
No not so much.. Do not put oils in your eyes, in your ears, or up your nose. I recommend getting Veggie Caps and using them when taking oils internally, they provide a great protective barrier. Essential Oils are super potent and powerful and should be used with respect and education. The tissue of your mouth and down your esophagus is sensitive, so using Veggie Caps is a great way to avoid any irritation.
Oils and Prescriptions?
I always encourage people to consult their Physician, read and be informed of their prescription labels and do their own research. There are a couple essential oils that stand out such as, Tetracyclines may cause a reaction with citrus oils and direct sunlight. One should be cautious and aware when using these medications. Also Wintergreen should be avoided by those taking blood thinners. Remember most western medicine providers may have a limited amount of knowledge with aromatherapy. It is always wise to consult an Integrative Medicine Physician, a Naturopathic Provider, or a Registered Aromatherapist.
Oils + Sunlight:
There are certain oils that are very photosensitive and react when exposed to direct sunlight. These should be applied topically with caution and avoid direct UV rays for up to 24 hours after application. The big one is Bergamot, this one can really cause your skin to burn, especially sensitive skin. Ones to also be aware of are Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit, any blends with these oils in them and most of all Oregano. Even when Oregano is applied diluted topically it should be used with caution and not be in the direct sun.
Can I bathe in Oils?
This is my favorite way to use oils. I love to add 1 and a half cups of epsom salts and my favorite essential oil to the bath, such as Lavender, Frankincense, or Serenity. Never use any of the warm oils or blends that have warm oils in them to the bath. They could be caustic to the skin and burn. Make sure to add a carrier oil in the bath, such as your favorite bath oil, bubble bath, fractionated coconut oil, or vegetable glycerin. Be mindful of your body and your skin sensitivity levels. Finally remember, less is more and you can always increase.
Which oils can be irritating?
According to the National Alliance of Holistic Aromatherapy these oils are listed as being irritating or caustic to the skin:
-cinnamon bark
-clove bud
These are powerful oils that when used with proper education can provide awesome benefits. I would suggest always diluting these oils when using topically. Testing a small area of your skin with the oil to see how you respond is always a good idea. I suggest avoiding these oils on young babies, and sticking to using them in a diffuser when wanting the therapeutic benefits for your young ones. There are many other more gentle and mild oils that can provide similar benefits that one can use on their ones.
I tell everyone to consult their OB, midwife, and primary physician when using essential oils while pregnant. Your body is much more sensitive to things when pregnant. I suggest to dilute all essential oils when using them topically. Avoid oils such as Clary Sage, and Myrrh or any blends that have these two oils in them because they can promote contractions. They may be used when you are in labor and should also be diluted. Using essential oils to promote comfort and support mood, sleep, and reduce stress when pregnant is such a gift and was amazing during my pregnancies.