"When it comes to growth and success, immediate gratification is almost always the enemy of growth. We can chose to please ourselves and plateau, or we can delay our gratification and grow. It's our choice. " ~ John Maxwell, 

I have been thinking a lot lately about personal growth and reading a lot of books that I have loved.  However, I am tired... the journey can seem long and I find myself questioning growth... I am really tired and I need to make some shifts in how I perceive things and how I do life. My mindset and head chatter has needed to change and shift for a long time... I have made huge progress.... but I am somebody who always wants to rush the process and "be fixed".... I have learned that life does not work that way....  It is not about the destination, it is about being present one day at a time, one moment at a time in the JOURNEY..... 

Learning to be aware of what is going on inside of me and how that effects my actions and how I do life. Wanting to keep the commitments that I make to myself and really learn to honor my dreams and desires and take the actions needed to move forward and grow. There is an old saying that I love: "champions don't become champions in the ring- they are merely recognized there." It's so true, if you want to see where somebody becomes a champion, then you need to look at there daily life.... when they are in the spotlight of winning a race, or a boxing match... that is just the place where they are getting found out and seen, but the real making of a champion is in the day to day life where nobody is watching..... 

Cheers to the daily grind of life where we make shifts in the small things that become habits and lead to the big wins in life... 

This morning I am winning at mom life... being present, loving well, reading books and connecting.... 


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